Tuesday 29 September 2015

Networking Tips to For Business Executives

Networking and the running a successful business go hand in hand. One of the most important aspects of running a successful business lies in networking. However, not many are very comfortable with walking into a room and introducing themselves to strangers. Here are a couple of networking tips for business executives.

George Spillmann
George Spillmann

Don’t Arrive Late
When you are going to a networking event, avoid showing up late. Showing up early at the event is a better strategy, and it is easier to meet and communicate with the few people who have arrived early. When you arrive late, people will have already settled into groups, and you will find it a bit more of a challenge to blend in, especially if you are not too comfortable with meeting strangers.

Asking Questions is Normal
At a networking event, you might want to be ready to ask questions. Get the conversation going by asking, “May I join in the conversation?” or “What brings you to this networking event?” When you join a group that is already talking about something, listen to what is being said. It’s surprising how much you can learn by just listening, but make sure you do not remain quiet. You must interact and get to know others.

Relationships and Not Sales
Networking events are all about building relationships and are not for trying to make sales. You do not need to try and start selling your products or services the moment you meet someone. The idea behind a networking event is to get the conversation going and build relationships; business deals will follow. But make sure to work on the relationship part first. 

George Spillmann is a business executive in Roseville, California.